Cristtee Imperial Soap - The Empress favorite Skincare

In Qing Dynasty(清朝), Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧太后)ordered two of her medical doctors to look for anti-aging remedy. Eventually, They invented "Yurong powder"(玉容散)which made with more than 28 types of exotic herbs.
The anti-aging properties kept the Emperess looked like in her fourties when she actually was at her late sixties. It was the Empress favorite skincare and best kept secret until the end of the dynasty.The secret ingredient was later found recorded inside the "Empress Guangxu Medical Medicaments".(慈禧光緒醫方選議)
Now, we used the ingredients and made it into a soap. A soap which has excellent anti-aging and whitening properties. We also added all natural moisturizing ingredients to nourish your skin.